award ni special sikit, x silap namanya 'award cute'..
my 2nd award ni diberi oleh cik marina..
my 2nd award ni diberi oleh cik marina..
arigatou gozaimasu ;)
award ni diterima x lama selepas submit entry ~ my 1st award ~ aritu..
wktu tu my followers hampir mencecah 100 org..
arigatou kt kwn2 yg support..

tgk sendiri pic 'award cute' kt atas.. mmg special kn..
1) Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
arigatou marina for this award ;)
2) Pass this award to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered & think fantastic.
kjap ek tgh pilih, nti sy jerit kt shoutbox =)
3) Contact that blogs & let them know they've won the award.
nti korang tgk kt shoutbox ok...
4) State 7 things bout yourself:
1. anime
2. singgah lama2 kt blog yg cntik & kreatif
3. dgr lagu yg ada lirik & melodi yg indah ;p
4. sushi
5. jacket yg stylo
6. gi kinokuniya baca buku
7. baca entry related with japanese
arigatou kt kwn2 yg support..

tgk sendiri pic 'award cute' kt atas.. mmg special kn..
1) Thank & link the person that gave you the award.
arigatou marina for this award ;)
2) Pass this award to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered & think fantastic.
kjap ek tgh pilih, nti sy jerit kt shoutbox =)
3) Contact that blogs & let them know they've won the award.
nti korang tgk kt shoutbox ok...
4) State 7 things bout yourself:
1. anime
2. singgah lama2 kt blog yg cntik & kreatif
3. dgr lagu yg ada lirik & melodi yg indah ;p
4. sushi
5. jacket yg stylo
6. gi kinokuniya baca buku
7. baca entry related with japanese